SABLE Rotamax Pro 45-KL High Speed Handpiece – 45° Torque Head, Push-Button Autochuck, Fiber Optic, Triple Spray

Sable Industries
Patterson Item #: 71392158
Mfg Item #: 2000023
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Buy 2 FIBER OPTIC HIGH SPEED HANDPIECES get 1 more equal or lesser value than the least expensive product purchased free from stock. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Send your Patterson invoice to with the item number of the free good wanted. **** Achetez 2 FIBER OPTIC HIGH SPEED HANDPIECES et obtenez 1 de plus de valeur egal ou moindre au produit le moins cher achete provenant des stocks. . Ne peut etre combinee aux autres offre. Faire parvenir votre facture Patterson au avec le numero d'item de la gratuite voulue.
Promotion Expires: 2025-03-12
Buy (1) of any Highspeed Package get (1) 4-Hole Non Optic H20 Regular (70388363) OR (1) 6-Hole LED H20 Regulator (70881656) more equal or lesser value than the least expensive product purchased free from stock. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Send your Patterson invoice to **** Achetez (1) de n'importe quel Paquet Highspeed et obtenez (1) 4-Hole Non Optic H20 Regular (70388363) OU (1) 6-Hole LED H20 Regulator (70881656) de plus de valeur egal ou moindre au produit le moins cher achete provenant des stocks. Ne peut etre combinee aux autres offre. Faire parvenir votre facture Patterson au
Promotion Expires: 2025-03-12


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