Peer Perspective: Talking AI with Dee for Dentist

Peer Perspective: Talking AI with Dee for Dentist

Curious about AI in dentistry? Hear from an early adopter how Pearl AI’s Second Opinion has impacted their practice

After seeing a demo at a conference, Dr. Dee Dee Meevasin, founder of Dee for Dentist in Las Vegas, didn’t hesitate to adopt Second Opinion from Pearl. “AI is a big topic right now, and for it to come into dentistry is exciting! Our office is very high tech; we love jumping on new technology to see if we can better our office, our patient experience, and the care we give to our patients.”

Dr. Dee Dee Meevasin, DDS

Dee for Dentist is a family affair, with Dr. Dee Dee’s husband, Michael Cruz, managing the office. Cruz was equally enthusiastic about adopting AI for their practice. “I like to say we’re the tip of the spear; whenever there’s new technology, we either like to learn about it right away, to keep our eye on it, or jump right into it.” In the case of Pearl Second Opinion, they jumped right in.

Instant alignment

And the benefits showed up right away. The timing was perfect, as they had just brought in several new staff and Pearl helped to quickly get everyone on the same page. “We were able to be more calibrated as a team when we brought on Pearl, because we were seeing things together, talking about all these findings,” Dr. Dee Dee explains.

Michael adds, “For me being on the office manager side, there are cost savings if I can get people on the same page quicker.” Second Opinion was trained on X-rays annotated by a team of world-renowned dentists and radiologists; this meant the whole team was able to align more quickly than if they each relied exclusively on past experience and their own eyes.

A second opinion

As the name implies, it’s been tremendous to have the benefit of an immediate second opinion. “I am diagnosing but I’m using Pearl to help me confirm my diagnosis; another pair of eyes helping me look at radiographs really helps.” Asked for a recent example, Dr. Dee Dee shared this story:

“I recently had a patient who is a nurse practitioner, and when I showed him the radiograph with the AI on it, it basically confirmed everything I said to him. He was a little hesitant to move forward with treatment, but he was sold after that. When AI confirmed it he’s like, ‘You know what? You’re right; let’s do it.”

“Pearl has helped me not only as a clinician but also as a practice owner, building trust with my associate doctors. I’m able to identify these things mostly without Pearl; however, the Pearl does help reconfirm everything I said. Not only is it a trust building element for my associate doctors, it keeps us on the same page.”

Dr. Dee Dee, DDS

The trust factor

Using AI, Dee for Dentist’s patients have been more confident in the diagnoses they’re receiving. Dr. Dee Dee says, “I feel like it is helping the dental industry in general. People think that a lot of dentists are just trying to get money out of patients. Pearl AI is a third party.… It doesn’t get any money from the patient. As the clinician is diagnosing and educating the patient on the treatment that is needed, Pearl is confirming everything we’re saying.”

AI also helps confirm expertise among colleagues in the practice, Dr. Dee Dee explains. “Pearl has helped me not only as a clinician but also as a practice owner, building trust with my associate doctors. I’m able to identify these things mostly without Pearl; however, the Pearl does help reconfirm everything I said. Not only is it a trust building element for my associate doctors, it keeps us on the same page.”

Bridging the communication gap

It can be challenging for a dental professional to communicate their findings to an untrained eye. Trying to explain why a shadow is problematic or to define a periapical lesion isn’t always easy. According to Dr. Dee Dee, it is much easier with Pearl where things are highlighted, making them stand out and much easier to understand. 

Michael shares his perspective as a non-clinician: “The majority of people are visual, so to be able to communicate something without having to say anything – and then be the solution for it – is a really nice partnership. Pearl helps the patient understand, so then the doctor becomes more of the solution than the one presenting the problem.” 

He says it’s even helped his and Dr. Dee Dee’s communication. “I don’t speak clinical at all, and she’ll be explaining a treatment to me and I’ll have to admit, ‘I don’t understand that.’ But Pearl speaks my language. It throws it up there in a way that I, with no clinical understanding, can really understand.” 

“It’s like spell-check”

Another aspect of Pearl the team at Dee for Dental has benefited from is finding things they might have missed. Dr. Dee Dee says she loves having a second pair of eyes as she moves from room to room doing exams.

“My favorite thing about Pearl is that it helps check me as a clinician. I’m not perfect, so I love having that second opinion or spell-check as I’m going through my day. I want to know that I didn’t miss anything for the patient. I try to be as thorough as possible, but with a busy schedule maybe I could overlook something. This helps me be a better clinician.”

She emphasizes the technology is not a diagnostic tool on its own. “It reminds me to take a second look. It catches my eye so I can reevaluate an area. I love having a backup and things to check me.”

And for doctors who don’t feel like they want or need an additional check and balance system? Michael says that for a very reasonable fee, “you can confirm how awesome you are.”

Supporting support staff

Pearl’s benefits have given the entire practice a boost. When it comes to identifying areas of concern, hygienists are more easily able to communicate their findings to patients thanks to the colorful interface, further enhancing patient confidence. Front office staff can print out helpful handouts on the spot and ease naturally into scheduling conversations.

Another tremendous benefit: insurance claim acceptance. Michael says it’s been hugely helpful to be able to print out a report showing exactly where decay is when it comes to getting claims paid.

Boosting treatment numbers

When asked about the impact of Pearl on treatment acceptance, Michael said while they haven’t run specific numbers, “the speed at which our newest associates were able to become as productive as the experienced ones they replaced leads me to believe it was because of Pearl.”

He further explains that the technology easily pays for itself several times over. “If it finds one extra cavity, you’re good. It’s kind of a no-brainer.”

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