Build Your Dental Practice with Navigate Business Services

Build, expand or acquire a new practice with our guidance, services and solutions

When you want to build, expand or acquire a new practice, Navigate Business Services is here to help you make it happen. We’ll listen to understand your aspirations and needs, guide you to solutions to reach them, and stay by your side to offer support for success. Our services include practice transitions, valuations and financing, lease negotiations and office design.

To learn more, read about our solutions below, or contact your Patterson territory representative.

Practice transitions

While buying into or purchasing a practice is exciting, it also comes with new challenges. Patterson Practice Transitions powered by Aprio offers support for the entire process. A team of transition specialists will work with you to maximize your practice’s value and provide a smooth transition experience. Whether buyer or seller, the team offers customized transition roadmaps and guidance, practice valuations, assistance with dental-specific financing, and solutions for associate buy-ins or startups.

To learn more, reach out to your Patterson territory representative or contact Aprio. 

Find your local Patterson branch.

Contact Aprio

Lease negotiations

Having an expert by your side is key to a successful lease negotiation or renegotiation. Whether you are building, expanding, or buying a dental practice, Cirrus Lease Negotiation services has those experts that will help you maximize the value of your real estate investment. Backed by 30 years of experience and thousands of happy customers, Cirrus can help ensure favorable terms and mitigate risks around lease negotiations. 

To learn more, reach out to your Patterson territory representative or contact Cirrus. 

Find your local Patterson branch.

Contact Cirrus

Office design

When you’re building, expanding or remodeling a new practice, it’s important to consider the intricacies of ideal office layouts, your technical requirements and operational best practices. Patterson’s office design services can help you find the right solutions to support your needs and goals. Count on our expertise and support at every step – through planning, design, installation and implementation – so you can feel confident in your investment. 

View our Design Inspiration Gallery.

Learn about office design services