Technology Solutions at Ideal Image Dentistry & Spa

How patient needs inspired Dr. Leah Brady to build a high-tech practice

Dr. Leah Brady knew it was time to bring CAD/CAM to her Mandan, North Dakota, practice when a “whole rash of patients” who had traveled at least an hour for crown preps had to come back two weeks later.

She realized that the crowns could’ve been completed in a single visit with CAD/CAM, and doing that would have improved patient care greatly, “especially for those who travel far and the farmers who are working around schedules related to planting crops and calving,” she says.

“That changed how we make technology purchases – now, we’re always considering how it will benefit our patients,” says Brady, who has since invested in an intraoral scanner, a milling machine, an all-tissue laser, CBCT and a 3D printer at her practice, Ideal Image Dentistry & Spa.

The power of technology to improve patient care

See how Dr. Brady’s patient-led investments in CAD/CAM and CBCT have allowed her to treat her patients better and sooner, doing more in a single visit.

Taking fear and pain out of procedures with an all-tissue laser

After investing in CAD/CAM, Brady bought an all-tissue laser. “Many of my patients started asking if they could forgo local anesthetic because they didn’t like shots. I thought there has to be a better way than just coaching them off the ledge,” she says.
She purchased an all-tissue laser knowing she could use it for caries removal without anesthesia, and now uses it for restoration preparation and soft-tissue procedures. “Instead of just having to grin and bear it while I’m drilling their teeth, patients would have a better experience,” she says.

Supporting case acceptance with CBCT

CBCT was next on Brady’s list. After attending courses, reading up on the technology and having a hygienist propose a plan to use the technology to treat sleep apnea, she invested in CBCT because she could see so much more and select a better treatment plan for patients.
“Having technology, hands down, helps with case acceptance because it’s more tangible for patients. They can see it’s legit,” she says.
Brady uses the CBCT to scan new patients and diagnose unidentified tooth pain, and over the last 18 months, she’s used CBCT and CAD/CAM to start placing implants.

Making models and nightguards in house with a 3D printer

The latest technology Brady has purchased is a 3D printer. It’s still pretty new to her, so she plans to dedicate more time to learning how to use it to make crowns. But already, she is using it for models and nightguards.

“As a company, I feel Patterson is truly invested in its customers and wants them to have success in everything they do.”

Leah Brady, DDS, Ideal Image Dentistry & Spa

It’s all adding up to growth

Brady’s investments in technology have led to growth for Ideal Image. She sees more patients and does more complex procedures. “We’re doing more procedures per appointment because of our technology,” she explained.

Finding a trusted partner in Patterson

As Brady sought out technology to improve patient care, Patterson was with her at every step from day one. “I feel our sales rep [and all the other specialists] are always looking out for us. They truly do care about our success, and they’re open to listening to me. They go the extra mile to figure things out and find answers to questions I have,” she says.
In addition, Brady has found it easy to use Patterson financing over the years to support her investments. She says, “As a company, I feel Patterson is truly invested in its customers and wants them to have success in everything they do.”

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Adapted from the Fall 2023 issue of Advantage by Patterson Dental.

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